Welcome !

Welcome to Made Down South! Thanks for stopping by to see what I'm up to. This blog serves as my review of projects accomplished since I have way too many that are halfway done. I also tend to have so many urgent ideas where I simply have stop all else to work on the newest thing. So, this blog will show all the ideas that actually get made into stuff! Some of that stuff is available for sale at our etsy shop, Down South Designs.

Monday, December 5, 2011

DIY Anthropologie Scarf Knockoff Tutorial

 Here's my version of those grape looking anthropologie scarves.  For this project, you will need 2 yards of fabric, 1 yard pom pom fringe, needle and thread.   I upcycled a soft black netting from a skirt lining.   You could use a straight long piece of  very fine netting or anything else that suits your fancy.  Whatever fabric you use, make sure it has that soft drapey feel needed for a scarf.  Mine is an infinity design (with no end) so the length was about  65 inches long and width was 12 inches.  If you want a straight drop, 
make it at least 72 inches long and 
12 inches wide.   I used a yard of large
 (1") pom pom fringe found in upholstery trim section of Hobby Lobby to make those textured grape looking bumples.  As you can see, I just cut them clean off to start my project.  If you are fortunate enough to have full length of fabric, you are ready to go.  
For all the rest of you...

You may need to sew the ends of your fabric together for length and the seam is pretty obvious on sheer fabric.  No worries!  I just masked that little problem by sewing the pom pom bumples right there and the seam was not even noticeable.  

The next photo shows that you just place the pom pom under your fabric and gather fabric around it and start stitching.  You are basically sewing a running stitch in a circle around the pom pom.  It reminds me a lot of the fabric yo yo process. You can

sew from the top or from the bottom of fabric.  You'll find that it's a very forgiving design with no precision required.  Just remember to pull your thread tight to secure each little bumble.  I recommend placing a little knot before moving on to the next one.  Place as few or as many as you want on your scarf creation.  

Thank you for checking out my first ever tutorial.  Hope it was helpful to you.  I welcome your feedback or questions on the comment form.  Have a blessed day!

This week I will be linking up at Amaze Me Monday, Strictly Homemade Tuesday, and GingersnapsWow me Wednesday